When should the home be inspected?

AS A BUYER: Make it a part of your purchase agreement with the seller as a contingency pending your approval.

AS A SELLER: Before you list your property for sale have it inspected so you have a chance to address any concerns in order to avoid delays at closing.

Do I Really need a Home Inspection?

I think so; for about 1% of the purchase price you’ll get the peace of mind of knowing the condition of the home BEFORE you buy it. Lets face it, for most of us, the single largest investment we will make in our lifetime will be the purchase of our home. Our homes are made up with many working parts. The condition and function of these parts as a system will determine our comfort and safety while living in the home. The various conditions of these components will aid in the determination of the overall value of your investment decision, and in turn gaining the knowledge to successfully make an educated decision.

How long does a home inspection take?

There is no set time, however you can expect an average of 2-4 hours for completion. My goal is to give the client a thorough understanding of the components of the home based on serviceability.

Should I be present when the inspection takes place?

Absolutely! I strongly encourage you and your spouse/partner to attend the inspection. When the inspections is complete we’ll go over the findings and I’ll be more than happy to address any questions, issues or concerns you may have.

When can I expect the completed report?

If you’re present at the conclusion of the inspection we’ll sit down and go over the report verbally. Reports are generated with pictures and are completed usually the same evening as the inspection. Normally you can expect your report the following morning or within 24 hours.

Why don’t you deliver your report on site?

My reports are produced back at the office on the evening of the inspections. This gives me unrushed time to review my notes, checklist and to research any questionable areas of concern. Digital photos of areas of concern are then inserted for further clarification. The result is a complete, easy to read and understand inspections report.

Will an Inspection “fail” a house?

No there is no “pass/fail”. Most homes have some problems, but everything can be repaired. It’s my job to point them out to you so you can make an informed decision.

Will you tell me whether or not I should buy the home?

No. The decision of whether to buy, or not, is strictly up to you. As a home inspector I can not provide advice to purchase the home, but I can provide the report for your to make an educated decision. The home inspection report is not legal advice.

When are you able to perform an inspections?

Due to the busy schedules of realtors, clients, sellers, and buyers, Inspections are available 7 days a week by appointment. Keep in mind that home inspections do need to be performed during daylight hours.

What is the fee for an inspection?

The fee for a complete home inspections will vary depending on the home’s size, age and components of the home. Please review costs here.